Black History Month: Dr. Jacynthe “Jackie” Worthing (Featured Character) by D. L. Wilburn Jr.

Dr. Jacynthe "Jackie" Worthing

Dr. Jacynthe “Jackie” Worthing

In The God Protocol: Dragon, Jackie is established as the head of the Archaeology department at George Washington University. When we meet her, she leads a team at the ruins of Eridu, in the Iraqi desert. She knows she is setting new goals for women of color in the world of archaeology, which is reflected throughout her character development.

I wrote Jackie as a strong woman focused on her professional career. Once she reconnects with her college love, you see glimpses of her earlier life, which add to her personality. She has grown and focuses on living her life by her own rules. I wanted her to be the female version of Indiana Jones, with less Hollywood flare.

In The God Protocol: Worshippers, we see Jackie continue in her character development. She undergoes a traumatic event and forces herself to become stronger despite dire circumstances. Her experiences lead to her determination in preventing the antagonists from achieving their goals.

When we return to her story in The God Protocol: Judgment, she is still reeling from the events in Iraq. Despite being surrounded by friends and those who love her, she has to get away and find her new path. When presented with a new opportunity, she accepts the challenge and becomes a stronger person.

Jackie is a fantastic character, and I loved seeing her grow throughout the trilogy. Not only does she persevere through adversity with such dignity, but she paves the way where none have gone before her.